Thank you for passing by to engage in the most recent photo story, capturing the feelings of melancholy and solitude.
This project came to live, because of Kürsat.
He reached out to me, in order to capture those emotions, that he (and for sure a lot of us within the last year) had dealt with.
So we worked on different potential triggers and resulting scenarios.
I don't want to go too much into detail, since our feelings led our visions mainly, but I hope, that we could somehow caught your feelings, released something within you or just pleased your eye.
Feel free to let us know.
Kürst ( )
Scene 1.
Protagonist: Irfan
Kürsats pov
Ney's pov
Scene 2.
Kürsat's pov
Ney's pov
Scene 3.
Protagonist: Dean
Kürsat's pov (digital)
Ney's pov